SLOs are not just about error budgets
I started my career at Grafana Labs, building and running our hosted Prometheus solution on top of Cortex (now Mimir)
7 years: engineering to PM and back
A few months back, I wrote a blog post on the role of PMs in developer tooling. That was me
Building the Raspberry Pi Kernel for eBPF (Beyla)
So I wanted to run Beyla on my Raspberry Pi 5 which is part of my home lab. But the
Support your local bookstores!
I didn't read as many books this year, but I feel like I read a lot more diverse
PMs in developer tooling
I've now been a PM for more than 18 months, and it's finally going well! I
Prometheus 3.0 and beyond aka keeping it simple since 2012
I first started using Prometheus in 2016, and it’s been one of the best things to happen to me.
GopherCal: Experiments with eInk
I have to admit, last year, I got fascinated by eink. It's through a few hackernews posts and
Tips for getting started with OpenSource
I recently read this interesting article What contributing to Open-source is, and what it isn't. They made some
My journey before Grafana Labs
I recently had a career conversation with my manager where we discussed my journey and he asked me "Who
Why I walk when I need to think
In school, a long time ago, daydreaming came naturally. Whiling away time felt like something I was born to do.