PMs in developer tooling
I've now been a PM for more than 18 months, and it's finally going well! I
Prometheus 3.0 and beyond aka keeping it simple since 2012
I first started using Prometheus in 2016, and it’s been one of the best things to happen to me.
GopherCal: Experiments with eInk
I have to admit, last year, I got fascinated by eink. It's through a few hackernews posts and
Tips for getting started with OpenSource
I recently read this interesting article What contributing to Open-source is, and what it isn't. They made some
My journey before Grafana Labs
I recently had a career conversation with my manager where we discussed my journey and he asked me "Who
Why I walk when I need to think
In school, a long time ago, daydreaming came naturally. Whiling away time felt like something I was born to do.
OpenSource Air Quality Monitoring with Prometheus and Airgradient
So, a while back I was looking for an air quality (AQ) monitor with an API so I can monitor
Sampling at scale with OpenTelemetry
Thoughts on different sampling strategies at scale when using OpenTelemetry. With experience running tracing at scale at Grafana Labs.
It's time to kill time again
So I am writing from my vacation in Mauritius. Two of my closest friends in Berlin are sisters from Mauritius
Time: a difficult superpower
I would say one of the most important things I learnt at Grafana Labs is how important time is and